900 Block, South Side
Address: 1107 9th Street
Built: 1912
Stories: 10
Square Footage: Unknown
Last Recorded Sale: 06/17/2010
Owner: Buzz Oats
Historical Significance: Unknown
Current Use: River City Bank is on the ground floor facing the street. The rest of the building’s tenants are the usual offices of lawyers, lobbyists and other professional services.
Address: 910 K Street, Senator Theater Building
Built: 1900
Stories: 3
Square Footage: 9,496
Last Recorded Sale: 08/31/1990
Owner: Association of California Water Agencies
Historical Significance: The former Senator Theater building is distinguished by its mansard roof with five dormers, each alternating with curved and gabled rooflines. Fluted pilasters line each side of the façade. The building originally served in the early part of the 20th century as a social hall for German-Americans, named Turner Hall, and was remodeled in 1922 to become the lobby for the Senator (later Fox) Theater. The building was again remodeled at a later date to accommodate storefronts at the first story.
Current Use: State Offices and other government-related tenants.
Address: 916 K Street
Built: 1890
Stories: 1
Square Footage: 4,800
Last Recorded Sale: 10/31/2012
Owner: Anup Kumar Nagin
Historical Significance: Unknown
Current Use: Derow and Sharma sewing and alterations shop
Address: 920/924/930 K Street
Built: 1963
Stories: 2
Square Footage: 33,690
Last Recorded Sale: 07/05/2013
Owner: Owens Realty Mortgage
Historical Significance: Unknown
Current Use: Currently listed for sale by Turton Commercial Real Estate. Asking $4,495,000 for the entire building.